Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Year: 2024

One of my doctoral seminars this semester is on the Deuteronomistic History (DtrH). This post is the first in a series that analyzes recent and current scholarship on the DtrH. In this inaugural post, we discuss Martin Noth’s initial theory of a single exilic author and Frank Moore Cross’s expansion to two deuteronomistic redactions, one during Josiah’s reign and the other during the exile.... Read More
TL;DR: During the Spring and Summer 2024 semesters at JHU, I completed various advanced seminar courses, various projects, and extracurricular activities. I also traveled for research and vacation across Europe and the USA. For Fall 2024, I will continue my coursework both at JHU and CUA, anticipating a demanding but fulfilling semester.... Read More
TL;DR: Today marked the end of my final summer school before commencing the Fall 2024 academic semester at Hopkins. I participated in the Digital Applications in Assyriology Nordic Summer School held at the University of Copenhagen from August 12-16 followed by a presentation of our final projects on August 30. Highlights included learning computational methods for digital Assyriology and collaborating with Adel Oubraham on a project comparing cuneiform collections from the British Museum and the Louvre.... Read More
TL;DR: For the past three weeks, I attended Leiden University’s Summer School in Languages and Linguistics, where I engaged in courses on Semitic and Indo-European languages, followed by the 2024 International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in Amsterdam, which offered a plethora of insightful talks. Here’s a brief recap of the enriching experiences and valuable insights gained from both events.... Read More