For Bau, the beautiful one, child of An, lady of the “Shining City,” [1] his lady, Gudea the ruler of Lagaš,
the one who built the E-ninnu temple of Ning̃irsu, his the E-g̃idru [2] temple, the “House of the Seven Corners,” [3] he built her “House of the Shining City” temple.
[1] The irikù(g), lit. ‘Shining City,’ was a quarter in G̃irsu where the temple of Bau was located (Volk, p. 112).
[2] meaning “House of the Scepter”
[3] The meaning of é-ub-imin is unclear but could mean “the House of the Seven Corners” as a description of the E-g̃idru. Edzard 1997 translates “his…, the ‘heptagon’ (?)” (RIME 3/1, p. 110).