Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Archives from Lower Mesopotamia/Babylonia

This page will contain information related to the known cuneiform corpora and archives written in Akkadian from Lower Mesopotamia, specifically Northern Babylonia and Southern Babylonia. The most important sites from this region include Marad, Babylon, Kiš, Dilbat, Lagaba, Tell Egraineh, Sippar in the north as well as Ur, Uruk, Umma, Larsa, Lagaš, Kutalla, Kisurra, Adab, Maškan-šāpir, Isin, Nippur and the Sealand Dynasty in the south. The latitude of Nippur, itself considered a Southern Babylonian city, provides a useful demarcation between Northern and Southern Babylonia, although together these territories can be referred to generally as Lower Mesopotamia or Babylonia.