Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Archives from Upper Mesopotamia/Assyria

This page will contain information related to the known cuneiform corpora and archives written in Akkadian from Upper Mesopotamia/Assyria. By “Upper Mesopotamia” we mean the region on the north Mesopotamian end of the Tigris River vis-à-vis Babylonia to the south and the Middle Euphrates-North Syria region to the west (although such clear-cut distinctions do not always hold true). The most important sites from this region include Assur, Chagar Bazar, Kazane Höyük, Qalʿat al-Hadi, Nusaybin, Rimāḥ, Šubat-Enlil (Tell Leilān), Tell Hawa, Tell Tāya, and Nineveh. Descriptions and catalogues forthcoming.