Sun. Dec 22nd, 2024

Non-Academic Challenges

Current Challenge (December 2024):

September 2024. Challenge type: Physical fitness.

Train and participate in my first half marathon. Results: I completed my first half marathon on 9/15/2024 which you can read about here.

Summer 2024. Challenge type: Digital literacy.

Complete 10x certificates in computational and digital humanities. Results: Completed 10x certification courses and made progress in two others (see here).

April 2024. Challenge type: Physical fitness.

This month’s challenge was to complete a combined 100 km cardio + 200 push-ups + 200 squats + 30+ mins plank cumulatively throughout the month. Results: Exceeded all four categories.

January 2024: Challenge type: Physical fitness.

This month’s challenge was to complete 50 push-ups per day for 31 days. Results: Completed challenge for the first half of the month until I flew (somewhat unexpectedly) to Tanzania to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro (see here). Did not continue while traveling (Jan 15-31).

Projected Upcoming Challenges